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By: LDI Connect on October 9, 2020

Enhancing Long Distance Learning with Technology


The world faced unprecedented circumstances regarding the coronavirus outbreak, and with it the way businesses and institutions are run has changed for the foreseeable future. In March of 2020, educators and students across the United States were faced with a spontaneous transition to online learning with zero preparation. It is essential that education does not falter in these difficult times, but how will students continue to learn and remain engaged from home? The answer lies in technology.

Across the globe, there are over 1.2 billion children in 186 different countries being taught virtually as a result of COVID-19. Although this may seem unsettling, this transition could ultimately be beneficial for students if set-up and operated properly. This online adaptation has gained traction for its efficient connection between students and teachers through group chats, video conferencing, and document sharing. Students are now capable of learning at their own pace and the ability to record and refer back to material, all in one location.

Online learning is predicted to continue post-pandemic as well. The overall market for online education has skyrocketed and is projected to reach $350 billion by 2025. This technology includes video conferencing, online learning software, virtual tutoring and other applications.

Hardware technology, such as display tablets and interactive whiteboards, provide students with an active approach to learning as opposed to traditional classroom tools. An increase in critical thinking skills, collaboration between students, and an uptick in overall engagement has proven to be connected to these tools.

LDI Connect offers devices such as the Samsung Flip 2, an interactive whiteboard that simplifies teamwork utilizing a pen-to-paper-like writing experience with collaborative features. Students can access the internet, work with fellow students, present, and share insights with one another from anywhere at any time. Devices such as these keep students engaged in their learning while protecting them from the spread of COVID-19.

We have committed to providing educational institutions with the best of breed long-distance learning tools from manufacturers and software developers including Canon, Sharp, Toshiba, Samsung, HP, Nuance, 3D Systems, and Google to enhance students and teachers experience from home. We seek to enable teachers to conveniently prepare and access effective course materials while safeguarding confidential student and faculty records. Get in touch with us to today to learn more about all the technology we can provide to enhance long distance learning!

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