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By: Angela Cook on October 12, 2021

The 4 Top Cloud Communication Myths Debunked

Cloud Communications | Cloud Phone Solutions | Cloud Services | Myths | UCaaS | Unified Communications

Don’t allow myths about cloud communications to hamper your business’s IT success. Before your business decides to invest in a cloud solution, it helps to understand what cloud technology can and cannot do for your business. 

Our cloud services team at LDI Connect works with prospects and customers to discover how their current IT environment can be optimized to meet the needs of their business. We often recommend using a cloud communications platform when a company is ready to commit to a different technology approach.

This article will detail four common misconceptions about cloud communications and debunk each one. By the end of this article, you will better understand cloud communications and whether cloud technology is right for your business.

What Are 4 Common Misconceptions About Cloud Communications & What Are The Facts?

Cloud communication is a reliable solution for organizations that follow a hybrid or remote work business model. It’s also a helpful tool that unifies other interactions like instant messaging, video calls, customer support, and more. 

However, even though cloud communications has many benefits, quite a few myths are still associated with using a cloud communications platform.

Let’s put your mind at ease and debunk four of the most common cloud communications myths.

Myth 1:  Our Data Won’t Be Safe if We Use Cloud Communications 

If your organization’s security concerns are stopping you from diving into cloud technology, then let’s put you at ease.

Just because data is stored off-premises does not mean that your data is not protected or less secure. Your stored information will be in a server located within a data center that your cloud provider handles. 

Most cloud providers use enterprise-class security protections to counter today’s ever-evolving cybersecurity risks and threats. 

Additionally, a cloud provider’s entire business revolves around the cloud, which means that your cloud provider will most likely use more advanced security than your business would implement with its own in-house data center.

Myth 2: The Cloud is More Expensive Than Normal Communications

Thinking that the cloud is expensive is a common misconception due to its elusive nature. 

Since you can’t see it or touch it, the cloud tends to take on this myth that it must be expensive because no hardware is required. However, your organization can end up saving money by using a cloud communications platform.

How? Well, Cloud-based phone systems tend to be less expensive than traditional communications. It eliminates costs associated with buying, maintaining, and operating hardware for a network.

Nor will you have to pay for many business lines for local or international calls. 

Cloud communications also cut mobile workforce costs. For example, supporting your mobile team is more manageable when their phones act as fully-featured office phones. 

Employees won’t need phone equipment to perform their day-to-day operations.

Myth 3: Our Business Will Lose Control 

When switching to a cloud communications platform, your business can retain control over how the software works. Your company can also control who can access it and which devices authorized personnel can use.

Even though cloud communications software is hosted in the cloud, that doesn’t mean authorized individuals can’t manage how the technology gets used.

Your organization should choose a cloud communications tool with excellent customization features and administration tools for onboarding and managing users and devices.

Additionally, a big part of having control can access insights on employee and system quality performance to help your team make well-informed administrative decisions.

Make sure that your cloud provider prioritizes customer service so that you can get the most out of your cloud communications platform. Your business will have more flexibility and scalability by utilizing cloud communications tools. 

Myth 4: Call Quality Isn’t As Good As Analog Phones

Many people associate this myth with their experience dealing with a low-quality spotty video call. This myth exists due to people’s experience with free or low-cost consumer-based VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone services that deliver low-quality results. 

As long as the user has a viable internet connection and bandwidth, the cloud communication solution can provide a consistent voice, video, and messaging experience.

Whether they are calling locally or internationally, a cloud communications platform is accessible from anywhere, at any time, across all computing devices. 

A cloud communications platform can help your organization stay productive and efficient from anywhere.


Ready To Discover How Cloud Communications Can Help Your Business?  

Suppose your company is looking to transition from operating many business lines through an on-premises phone system. In that case, a cloud communications platform may be a suitable alternative for you.

Yet, If your team isn’t ready to transition to the cloud just yet, it may help to read more on the subject to get comfortable with the idea. If that’s the case, be sure to read our article on the benefits of unified communications for hybrid and remote teams.

Whether you’re looking for a cloud-based unified communications platform, LDI can help. 

Reach out to an LDI Connect representative today to find out how cloud communications can help your business thrive.


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