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By: Angela Cook on September 15, 2021

What Is Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) & How Can It Help?

Cloud Services | Customer Experience | DEM Solution | M365 Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM)

Running a business is more complex than ever before due to the expansive effects of digitalization. Ensuring that your customer’s journey through your website and applications operates efficiently with the business processes involved on the backend is critical.

Often, organizations task several teams to work independently to manage different components of their business, from digital marketing, web management, application development, and social media management. 

Digital experience monitoring (DEM) makes it easy for each team or department to monitor and identify vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities may disrupt the user’s experience when accessing your business’s digital platform.

As a managed services provider, LDI Connect understands how digital outages, downtime, and slow page load times can contribute to a negative user experience. These issues can affect your site’s performance and overall business strategy. 

For our clients, LDI Connect implements Martello Technologies Group Inc’s DEM solution. This solution integrates with Microsoft 365 and improves the end-user experience with cloud collaboration and productivity solutions, including voice and video conferencing.

This article will cover what digital experience monitoring is, how it works, and how it can help your organization. By the end of this article, you will better understand how digital experience monitoring can enhance user experience and optimize business operations.

What Is Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM)? 

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) is a real-time monitoring tool used to analyze the efficacy of an organization’s applications and services. It can help assess the root cause of problems that affect the performance of your network and application.

A DEM solution will include the following technologies:

Real User Monitoring (RUM)

RUM tracks real-time user transactions to identify areas of slowness, along with changes in performance. More specifically, It records all customer interactions within your existing application from the user’s perspective.

The recording can help your DevOps team quickly identify and solve any deficiencies with minimal delay to other users. 

Endpoint Monitoring (EPM)

EPM monitors and protects vulnerable endpoints through a rule-based authorization process.

An endpoint is another name for one end of a communication channel. For example, when an API interacts with another system, the touchpoints of this communication are considered endpoints. For APIs, an endpoint can include a URL of a server or service.

Synthetic Transaction Monitoring (STM)

STM generates behavioral scripts to prepare for a variety of potential user actions. The  STM process can help eliminate performance issues before real customers are affected.

These three technologies provide precise user experience measurements to help pinpoint problems that can significantly impact your business.


How Does Digital Experience Monitoring Work?

Think of digital experience monitoring as an application or user interface-focused approach to network monitoring and behavioral analysis. A DEM solution comes in the form of software. It can help discover, monitor, and enhance web-based resources, along with end-user experience.

DEM focuses on how the user and endpoints are interacting with a particular application.

DEM assesses the behavior of the application from a user’s point of view and the endpoint. If the application’s behavior changes, something is in the network’s path or in the application itself, causing a problem.

Monitoring the application or endpoint’s network interface helps detect any characteristics that indicate network packet loss.

Ready To Implement A Digital Experience Monitoring Solution?

Digital experience monitoring can be valuable to optimizing the user experience and ensuring that your digital platform is running smoothly.

However, if your business does not use an application or website for customer interactions then implementing a digital experience monitoring solution is not for you.

LDI Connect’s cloud services team helps clients implement Martello’s DEM solution which adapts to their current Microsoft 365 environment and enhances their end-users digital experience. 

Reach out to an LDI Connect representative today to learn more about DEM solutions and how they can help your business.





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