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By: LDI Connect on September 3, 2020

Back to Work With Zero-Touch Deployment


Heading back to work in these uncertain times can seem intimidating, but advancements in technology have made it easier for corporations across the globe to slowly transition back into offices. LDI Connect is elated to provide our customers with zero-touch options from our name-brand hardware and software solutions to elevate your work environment to improve efficiency.

The CDC has categorized COVID-19 as a respiratory illness that can spread through contact with an infected individual or contaminated objects and surfaces. Considering these factors, it’s important to protect our communities from the Coronavirus especially with social distancing and minimal touch with disinfectant protocols.

Minimal touch on shared objects poses a large obstacle in the workplace, as employees tend to utilize the same machines throughout the day. The introduction of LDI Connect’s variety of zero-touch deployment technology will be essential in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and protecting the individuals within your organization. Zero-touch technology is cloud-based with automatic provisioning, reducing IT management costs, and allowing for swift productivity.

These products are often voice-activated and include manufacturer software for machinery such as copiers, printers, unified communication solutions, and more. Devices are capable of conducting everyday workplace activities from a distance, overall reducing the spread of COVID-19 but increasing efficiency. Thanks to a combined solution of software and hardware, devices are ready to go, right out of the box. No time-intensive device imaging. No large upfront costs. Just a simple, streamlined, and instantaneous experience.

The “new normal” in offices may include minimal capacity and a slow integration back from remote workplaces – but your employees should feel comfortable knowing that they are valued and will remain safe conducting their tasks within your office with zero-touch deployment technology. To learn more about LDI Connect’s zero-touch technology and how the hardware and software systems can benefit your offices, contact an LDI Connect representative today!

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