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By: Angela Cook on November 12, 2021

Print Equipment: 4 Benefits of An In-Person Demonstration

Office Copiers, Printers, and MFPs | Print

When considering new print equipment for your business, relying solely on an online purchase can be challenging when you don’t know how the device will run. Nor will you know if the device you are considering will meet your needs and goals.

Within every business’s print environment, there are common issues that arise. Before making a rushed decision you’ll regret later on, why not get a feel for what you’re about to purchase from the onset?

Here at LDI Connect, we offer an in-person or virtual demonstration of our print equipment to clients before decisions are made. We understand how expensive running a business is and keep a budget in mind. Through an in-person product demonstration, LDI Connect walks clients through the completion of print jobs to help them get a better idea of the quality and workflow of each device.

This article will help clarify why an in-person demonstration of a multifunction printer or production printer is essential for any business to take part in. We will explore the four most common benefits that come from an in-person demo when looking for printing devices. By the end of this article, you will understand the value in getting to test the printing device in-person and meet the team behind the printing device.

4 Benefits Of An In-Person Demo When Considering A New Printing Device 

An in-person product demonstration can close any gaps your business may have when considering an MFP for your business.

While an MFP  may seem like a simple purchase, it is not. The printing device your business selects will affect your employee’s productivity, print activity, the quality of your print jobs, and even the cost of your print consumables.

While these lists of reasons are ongoing, let’s dive into four benefits an in-person demo can provide.

1. Avoid Getting The Wrong Equipment For Your Needs 

It can be easy to choose a product based on the photo resembling a product you’ve once owned. You may want to purchase the same device or possibly a device that’s similar in workflow, cost, and output.

4_Top_Printer_Copier_Problems_A_Live_Demo_Can_Solve-01But to avoid ordering the wrong printing device, it makes sense to choose it in person. 

Seeing a printing device in the flesh can help you avoid making a costly mistake and can put your mind at ease regarding the print costs and features that the device has.

Receiving an in-person demo for a printing device can help you in the cases where you thought a printing device came with a particular software application already installed when it actually wasn’t. 

It will also validate the integration capabilities of existing (or desired) 3rd-party applications such as accounting, customized scanning workflows, and secure printing.

To avoid the headache of ordering the wrong printing device for your business, clarify which features and applications come with the printing device during your scheduled demo.

2. Improve Print Workflow & Activity

Minimize downtime and keep office productivity flowing by selecting printing devices that don’t get in the way.


Do these devices impede the speed at which an assignment gets completed?

For an MFP, the workflow in which a print job is completed is essential. Some systems may have a simple user interface that allows for seamless use. Others may be a bit more complicated to utilize and complete a job from start to finish.

With an in-person demonstration, you, as the customer, will experience the actual interface of the printing device. You’ll get to interact with the steps the device takes to perform a particular function.

This leads to ease of use and helps you get an understanding of each print device’s workflow.

Reading about the specifics of an MFP online can only do so much. Test driving the device in person will help you better understand what workflow would benefit your business best.

3. Enhance The Quality Of Print Jobs 

By test driving the device, you’ll better understand the quality of each print job once it’s completed.

4_Top_Printer_Copier_Problems_A_Live_Demo_Can_Solve-03Not every device prints with the same clarity and precision.

Within a live demonstration, you can test your actual files and see the output quality of your specific jobs. Through this exercise, you’re able to compare the quality of print jobs between the devices you test.

Without seeing the quality of a printing device’s output, how else can your business feel confident in making a buying decision?

Your printing devices not only affect the productivity of your staff but the quality of the work your business puts out.

Receiving an in-person print example during an in-person demo is essential when choosing a device.

4. Get To Know The Company Behind The Product 

Whether you’ve chosen to work with a manufacturer or a managed print provider, getting to know the company behind the printing device you wish to purchase can be helpful.


The reason? Well, let’s say you go ahead and purchase a printing device from a managed print provider’s website without an in-person demonstration and without meeting a representative from the company.

Now, if that device stops working, your left to rely on a helpdesk support number from a company you’ve built no relationship with.

Neither option is wrong. We’re not saying that you must meet the provider or manufacturer of the device before purchasing.

However, when purchasing a printing device for your office, it can help understand the team’s protocol and support.

Plus, getting a better idea of how they’ll treat you as their client can be crucial when deciding if you want to make a big purchase on one of their devices.

While your printing device is essential, the team behind the device you’ve purchased is key to ensuring that your device is well looked after.

Ready To Schedule An In-Person Demo?

Okay, so you know your business needs one or more printing devices, but you’re unsure of which device would be best.

Instead of browsing endless websites, consider what an in-person demonstration can do for your business once you’ve identified what you’re looking for.

Suppose your business wants the same printing device it’s always used but just a newer version. Then perhaps an in-person demonstration wouldn’t serve you.

However, if you are unsure of which printing device is suitable for your business and are looking for a recommendation; then an in-person demonstration can help answer any questions you may have regarding the printing equipment you’re interested in.

At LDI Connect, we recommend receiving an in-person demonstration before purchasing any new equipment. Why? We want you to be happy with your decision.

Reach out to an LDI Connect representative today to learn more about what an in-person demonstration for an MFP entails.


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