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By: Angela Cook on May 21, 2021

4 Signs Your Nonprofit Needs Better Cybersecurity Coverage

Managed IT | Network Infrastructure | Network Security & Cybersecurity | Nonprofit | Nonprofit Organizations


Reliable cybersecurity coverage for a nonprofit organization is as necessary as flour and sugar are to a baker. Chances are your nonprofit organization stores or transfers personal information, facilitates e-commerce transactions, or collects data regarding donors and patrons. In that case, it is time to get serious about your cybersecurity coverage.

Your organization’s data may be at risk of a potential data breach. Having maximum protection will help reduce the risk of a cyber-criminal breaking into your network.

As a managed services provider, LDI Connect works closely with various clients to understand how their nonprofit functions and stays protected. LDI Connect understands how destructive a cyberattack can be. Through education and best practice, LDI Connect is prepared with the latest cybersecurity solutions.

This article will take a deep dive into four key signs that show that your nonprofit organization needs better cybersecurity coverage. By the end of this article, you will better understand what good coverage looks like for your organization and what to look for when working with a managed IT provider.


Why Do Nonprofit Organizations Need Good Cybersecurity Coverage?

While nonprofit organizations can cover many categories, they all have one goal: to help and better serve human beings.

Nonprofit organizations should maintain some form of cybersecurity coverage. In most cases, nonprofits have programs related to healthcare, children’s safety, education, and other sensitive categories. Cybersecurity threats pose a risk to your internal staff’s information and your client’s sensitive information.

What Are 4 Signs Your Cybersecurity Coverage Needs to Be Better

While most nonprofit organizations agree that cybersecurity coverage is an absolute necessity, many do not understand how their coverage can better serve them and their cause. Keeping your organization’s sensitive information safe should be made a priority. 

Let’s cover four major signs that your cybersecurity coverage is not up to par.

1. No Cybersecurity Plan

Many nonprofit organizations can be unaware of the proper protocol to follow should their sensitive information get hacked. 

For example, If a cybercriminal breaks into their network, the nonprofit organization needs to have a dependable cybersecurity plan to refer to and follow.  

A cybersecurity plan will serve as a well-documented guide for any employee to use when faced with a suspicious cybersecurity concern. The plan will include an organizational chart of whom to refer to for what during a cyberattack and an established procedure to help mitigate the attack as soon as possible. 

A cybersecurity plan will include your organizations’ current security posture and will have a general outline of how to assess your security gaps.

If your organization does not have a cybersecurity plan in place should a cybersecurity attack occur, your organization will be unprepared and can be put out of commission. 

A managed IT provider will be able to first assess your current IT infrastructure and then work with you to create a cybersecurity plan that can help meet your needs.

2. No Accountability For Protection

Who is held accountable for your IT network if and when faced with a cybersecurity attack? If your answer is “I don’t know” or “We are, but we don’t know how to be,” then consider which resources should be responsible for directing others during a cyber attack.

Accountability for something as serious as cybersecurity involves either a dedicated onsite IT team or a reliable managed IT provider. Either your onsite IT department or managed IT provider can adequately assess the cybersecurity concern at hand and mitigate it.

A managed IT provider can provide highly effective and responsive IT Helpdesk Support and onsite technicians to help fix your cybersecurity issue with minimal downtime. 

Having a good idea of whose role it is to mitigate any cybersecurity problem that arises can ensure that you and your client’s sensitive information is well protected.

3. No Up-To-Date Computer Security Software

Antivirus and malware protection software protect nonprofit organization’s data from botnets, worms, viruses, spyware, and more. Antivirus and malware protection software can help protect your organization, If an employee clicks on a suspicious link from a phishing email or ends up going to a malicious website

Protection against viruses, spyware, and other various threats online is a necessity. Suppose your organization’s computer has not been updated in a while with the latest software. In that case, the chances are that you’re due for an update and in need of better cybersecurity coverage.

If installed properly, antivirus and malware protection software can keep each employee abreast of what threats are appearing on their personal work computer. This software can help secure your overall network and set up the proper precautions.

4. No Up-To-Date Computer Security Software

With nonprofits being high on the list of being frequently targeted by cybercriminals, having an insurance plan in place will help mitigate the cost of a cyberattack occurring. Cybersecurity insurance helps organizations mitigate losses from data breaches, network damage, and other cyber-related incidents. 

Cybersecurity insurance can cover your business’s liability in the event of a cyberattack occurring and affecting your client’s sensitive information. That sensitive information may include account numbers, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, credit card numbers, telephone numbers, home or work addresses, and health records.

While being well equipped to handle a cyberattack before it occurs is imperative, nonprofits need to digitally protect themselves if the cybercriminal succeeds.


Are You Ready For Better Cybersecurity Coverage?

Nonprofit organizations require cybersecurity coverage from criminals looking to access sensitive information such as social security numbers, fundraising wire transfers, bank account information, and medical records. 

Cyber-criminals pose a threat to your organization as well as the clients you work with daily.

As a dedicated managed services provider, LDI Connect can provide a full range of cybersecurity solutions. LDI Connect provides clients with thorough network assessments, security gaps, the proper security software, and knowledgeable help desk support.

Reach out to an LDI Connect representative today to assess your current security posture and provide you with more information regarding cybersecurity coverage for your organization.

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