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By: Angela Cook on May 26, 2021

Why is Document Management Important For a Hybrid Work Environment?

Document Management | Document Management System | Intelligent Document Processing & Distribution | Workflow Automation

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COVID-19 has globally reshaped the way people work. During the pandemic, many companies needed to enable employees to work remotely. Now more than ever, work environments have shifted to allow employees to either work in a hybrid or remote working model.

While many companies have adapted to a hybrid way of working, managing documents remains a complex concern for employees looking to share, access, and organize their documents.

At LDI Connect, our Document Management Services team works with clients to tailor a document management system that meets their specific business needs and goals. Understanding what the client wishes to do when managing their document workflow helps determine which method is best for them. We know how burdensome it can be to keep track of a wide array of documents, especially in a hybrid work environment.

This article will cover what document management is. It will then break down four key reasons why document management is essential for a hybrid work environment. By the end of this article, you will understand how document management may benefit your company’s business operations.


What Is Document Management?

Document management can be defined as a process or system used to get, track, sort, and store electronic documents. These documents include word processing files, digital images or paper-based documents, and PDFs.

Document management provides an automated software solution for document workflow. It captures and organizes your documents in a safe and efficient way. Document management offers an accessible solution for companies looking to optimize their business operations.

Depending on accessing or filing away a myriad of documents a day takes time and effort away from other pressing initiatives.

Whether you’re on the go, working out of a cafe, or working in the office, document management provides a digital approach to capturing, sorting, storing, and sharing documents.


4 Document Management Benefits For A Hybrid Work Environment

Document management systems can optimize workflow and provide a centralized location for your documents. If your company operates as a hybrid work environment where some employees work remotely and others are working at the office, you may require a seamless process where essential documents can be consistently accessed, stored, organized, and shared.

Let’s dive into four key reasons why document management is vital for a hybrid work environment.

1. Helps Manage Documents Efficiently

Implementing an efficient document workflow is key to keeping your team productive.


Often, documents can get scattered all over the office and even on your computing devices. Instead of browsing through several drawers, folders, applications, or cluttered inboxes, a document management system can hold all of your selected documents in one place.


Spending the majority of your time browsing for documents isn’t the best use of your time. Deploying a document management system will enable your files and documents to be organized, filed away, and easily accessed at any time.


Documents are able to be tagged and sorted for ease of access as well.


Ultimately, a document management system acts as a digital solution for company’s looking to enhance employees’ productivity and efficiency.


2. Promotes Security

Document management systems allow you to store your sensitive and important business documents with control over who can view and access each document.


For example, let’s say your company’s HR files are stored in this document management system. Only employees with access to those files will be able to open them securely. Each employee with access will have login credentials to access that document.


Most document management systems are encrypted. If hackers try to access that data, they would see nothing but numbers. Most hackers don’t have time to hack into encrypted files and move on to a company’s information that isn’t well protected. 


Other document management features include document tracking, real-time notifications, audit trails, reporting, and more. These features can show who viewed a document, when they viewed it, and what actions were taken on the document.

3. Increases Employee Autonomy

Providing employees with the means to access information and feel autonomous in the work they’re doing is essential.


Working with a document management system allows employees to work from wherever. It only requires that the employee have login information and knowledge of how to operate the system.


Employees will have the ability to pull specific files, sort, and share them with coworkers or clients. Employees will not need to depend on another person to unlock a file cabinet or share a document to complete their work.

4. No Up-To-Date Computer Security Software

By using a document management system, employees will be able to access documents via various devices such as a PC or mobile device. This enables employees to better interact with clients and coworkers from any device they may be working from.


For example, let’s say a client has an urgent request for you to send them a document, but you happen to be at a Doctor’s appointment on your lunch break. You can access the document via your phone by logging in to your document management application and share it with them.


You will be able to deliver documents in a timely fashion without rushing back to the office or your home computer to retrieve them. All you have to do is press a couple of buttons.


Ready To Implement A Document Management System?

If employees are losing documents and need help in managing all their files in one place, then a document management system may come in handy.

LDI Connect works with clients to adopt document management systems for them to work efficiently. LDI Connect specialists assess clients’ current document workflows and determine how to optimize them.

Learn more by contacting an LDI Connect representative about implementing a document management system.

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