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By: Angela Cook on January 27, 2021

Managed IT & Malware Protection

Cyber Security | Data Collection | LDI CONNECT | Malware protection | Managed IT | virus protection

If you already have malware protection, you might be wondering what managed IT can do for your business. Installing basic malware protection software is a great start in safeguarding your business’s valuable data, but with evolving technology, its become easier than ever for hackers to breach your system. Lets face it, in the digital age almost every transaction can and most likely occurs via telecommunications. Whether it be purchasing products or services, simply communicating internally with members of your corporation, or speaking externally with a client – hackers have the potential to breach your systems and acquire this information. 

It’s imperative to stay up to date on the latest cybersecurity software to ensure your business’s safety. As industry leaders for over 20 years, LDI Connect knows how difficult it can be to keep your organization running business-as-usual while researching and installing these solutions. This process adds an additional layer of unneeded stress – and once it’s installed, who maintains the system? If your finding that your business is struggling to navigate this inconvenience managed IT might be right for you.


The Importance of Malware Protection

Malware is any sort of malicious software that hackers distribute online via devices, networks, and servers. This software includes viruses, spyware, bots, ransomware, spam & phishing, and more. Malware is one of the most commonly used forms of cyberattacks. Hackers release malicious software in an attempt to gain access to your organization’s extensive valuable information to sell or disrupt your network. 

The cost of losing your private data can be detrimental to the legitimacy and reputation of corporations across an array of industries. The distribution of client information can lead to legal disputes as well as potential leaks of corporate plans through big data theft. There is also a major cost within the loss of billable work hours for a company that is hacked. If your organization is not well equipped with a defense against a breach, your employees may not be able to accomplish their daily tasks until the issue is resolved. 


Security Breaches are on the Rise

In 2019 alone, 164.68 million sensitive records were exposed in the United States. These statistics account for the unauthorized disclosure of protected health information and personally identifiable information. Data breaches have gained traction in response to the rise of digital filing and big data collection. As more and more organizations move their businesses online and place sensitive information in their networks, hackers have the means to breach your systems. 

These breaches do not come cheap. The average cost of a data breach in the United States is $3.92 million. At this rate, no business – big or small – can afford to leave their corporation vulnerable to an attack. 


Malware Protection & Your Existing IT Department

Your cybersecurity software and maintenance are more likely than not, currently in the hands of your existing IT department. The allocation of this responsibility makes sense in terms of your business structure and its teams – but are you optimizing your IT department’s potential? There’s no question as to whether or not malware protection is key to your business’s privacy & security, but who is the right choice for the job?  

Your existing IT department has extensive knowledge of your specific organization and their keen expertise can be leveraged through long term projects that will help grow and expand your business. That being said, your internal IT employees should not have to waste their valuable time installing and monitoring essential software.

There is an opportunity for an increase in productivity and efficiency within your business’s overall operations if your basic IT responsibilities are outsourced. In this case, not only will your existing team be able to shift their focus to more important matters – but you will gain access to 24/7 monitoring of your valuable data. 


Managed IT & Liability

Your company’s cybersecurity must be a top priority for the protection of your employees, and your clients. Managed IT offers a consultative approach to evaluate your business and technology needs. These outsourced IT organizations advise you on the best solutions for your business and link you with the appropriate technologies to tackle these issues. 

At its core, malware protection is the basic solution for cybersecurity attacks; however, cybercriminals use sophisticated approaches to hack your valuable information, so a baseline protection tactic such as the installation of the software might not be enough. Cybercriminals devote their livelihoods to learning the ins-and-outs of the latest technology to gain access to your network. Without proper monitoring, your business could be at risk without even knowing. 


Benefits of Managed IT Malware Protection…

Better System Consistency

Ensure that your business has one reliable and independent solution. Integrating too many software and/or protocols for cybersecurity monitoring can get confusing. Managed IT allows your business a one-stop-shop for your software installation and maintenance. Don’t leave any gaps in your system.

Cost Management and Control

Managed IT provides you with a fixed variable cost for your cybersecurity needs – no more guessing. With upfront installation and maintenance costs, you can budget your IT expenses without having to alternate costs each month.  

System Performance Gains

With trained experts in cybersecurity, managed IT solutions have the knowledge and background to connect your business with the latest technology. These systems will improve your business’s useful work accomplished through speed and efficiency. 


Features of Managed IT Malware Protection…

Proactive Maintenance and Service

This maintenance integrates preventive strategies to avoid any mishaps or breaches in your system before they arise. Stop hackers in their tracks before it’s too late.

Management and Status Reporting

Managed IT solutions not only monitor your systems, but they provide you with consistent status reports to guide you through your securities overall progress and success. Reports also update you with any discrepancies in your system and how your managed IT team has dealt with these issues. 

Automated and Reliable Monitoring

Automated technologies will monitor and react to any problems within your system on the fly. This reaction occurs based on a set of determined criteria determined by you and your managed IT team – and will optimize your productivity.

LDI Connect & Your Managed IT

The truth is, your current malware protection may be obsolete. LDI Connect’s managed IT services keep your solutions up to date with the latest advancements in cybersecurity technology. Our managed IT can be customizable for any industry and with 24/7 monitoring, we analyze for vulnerabilities that malware software alone may not find. LDI Connect offers tech support via chat, phone call, or onsite assistance whenever you may need it. 

As companies across the globe continue to convert their business operations online, lets work together to ensure that our privacy is protected. To learn more about securing your organization’s valuable information, get in touch with LDI Connect’s IT services team today. 

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